Hidden deep within my rational mother brain lives a subconscious, where I sometimes make secret promises to myself. Most of the time, these secrets are really only hopes. Or wishes. Recently, I've secretly had the notion that I say 'no' way too often. OK, so that's not really a secret, but more of a reality. But, the mother that I wish to be in my subconscious, randomly wants to say 'yes' more than 'no'.
So, when daughter #2 asked if we could please, please, please go to IHOP for breakfast, I said "Yes". I shocked my type A self right to the core. But then I watched these children of mine. My 'yes' brought them a giddy kind of joy.
Was achieving the joy convenient? Not really. It was pouring rain and I didn't want to get my hair wet. Was the joy planned, prepared for, or grand in nature? Nope. To them, and those around us, it was just breakfast. Really, really tasty breakfast.
But yet, the joy was anything but ordinary. One simple word. A 'no' to a 'yes'. That was all it took. Can I always say 'yes'? Heavens no. But, what if I try, just every now and then, to give them something unexpected. "Mom, will you play a game with me?" Yes. "Mom, will you take us to the pool?" Yes. "Mom, can we go get a snow cone?" Yes.
How is it that such a small, three letter word can be so difficult to speak, but can bring such happiness to those we love the most? I tend not to use 'yes' very often, because it usually requires more effort on my part. It entails me doing something I really don't want to do. It's just easier to say 'no'. It just is.
But, when I step back and look at my life with my mother eyes, I realize that these 3 beautiful souls are in my life because I chose to say 'yes'. That's how I got here to begin with. That three letter word rocked my world in all ways possible. But once things settled, and I am here and now, I see the joy that 'yes' can bring. I see it in them. For they are mine.
So for now, I'll try and keep my secret 'yes' wish tucked inside my subconscious. I'll try and remember it's there. No promises. I wouldn't want to start granting so many requests that my kids actually start to believe they have a normal mother. Wouldn't that be crazy?