Friday, July 24, 2015

One Of The Best On The List

There are a few traditions we keep on our Summer Bucket List. And this is one of them.

Here's how it works...

You start with awesome friends who dreamed up this awesome tradition. (Myer's whoot whoot!)

You gather your people and drive to IKEA.

You eat meatballs. Because, duh. They're delicious.

Then you unleash the teenagers into the store.

To play hide and seek.

And then you shop.

If you happen to notice any of the children hiding in a cabinet, you ignore them and move on.

Once you're standing at the cash register with all your goods, you text them.

They meet you at the car.

Bam. Best. Summer. Fun. Ever.

P.S. They've only gotten caught by an employee once :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

For When Your Sister Is Awesome

My sister and I have a sort of "division of labor" between us. Here's how it works: I cook dinner and she pretty much does everything else. It's the greatest set up. I recommend you try it.

Because my kids have come to the conclusion that she's responsible for their entertainment. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but it's genius. Whenever my kids are bored, they text her and start begging to do stuff. Clearly they know they can't come to me for a solution. I'm probably too busy with something. Like, sitting.

The Sister decided to have a Experiment Day. It took hours. For the love, I was all by myself at home. Seriously, this is adding up to be a great summer.

Having an awesome sister is, well, awesome.
And no, you can't have her.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Blessing of Teeth

First, can we just talk about how mad she's going to be that I've posted this picture? There's going to be a fall out, I'm sure of it.

Wisdom teeth came out this week. I feel like I've been a nurse for the last few days. Or that I'm taking care of a newborn again. Round the clock meds and feedings.

She was convinced she wouldn't say or do anything funny after coming out of anesthesia. Oh, was she wrong. I had to stop the car twice and film her because I was laughing so hard. And she would Not. Stop. Talking. She thought the car's dashboard was snake skin because "it has pretty scales". She also kept telling me her face felt "all squishy".

The real problem was her uvula. She kept trying to stick her finger in her mouth to touch it. She was convinced it was bleeding. I had to keep pulling her hand out and explaining that her teeth were bleeding, not her uvula. After the third go around of this, she got really mad and feisty with me. Once we were home, she called her sisters all kinds of interesting names. It was literally hysterical.

But here's the flip side-- she's been home. With me. Laying on the couch. All day. Normally this house serves as more of a hotel she just sleeps in. I rarely see her. But for the last 5 days, I've had her all to myself. And I've taken care of her. I haven't had to do that in years. In the weirdest way, I've loved it.

So, I thank you wisdom teeth. For giving me my daughter for the week. And providing the best entertainment I've had in months. And just so you know, she really wanted to keep you. After surgery she kept asking to hold you and look at you. Anesthesia is the greatest.


Monday, July 13, 2015

A Double Cake And A Hermit

OK, listen. The picture doesn't do this justice. At all. This is a cake recipe that has been doubled. Why? Because I'm a genius and why not double a chocolate cake? But then, I was in a hurry. Why again? Because I had to DYE MY HAIR BEFORE CHURCH, good heavens! And so, maybe, in my haste, I forgot all the flour. You know, that ingredient that holds everything together. Yah, that one. 20 minutes into baking at 350 degrees and the entire thing exploded all over the oven. Like, literally, exploded. Or, bubbled up and over everything.

I opened the oven and just starred at it for a while. Then I walked away hoping a fairy would clean it up. No go. Then I almost started crying while I scraped every stinkin' surface of that oven. 2 of the children came to gawk at the situation and then left. Child #1 had mercy in her heart and stayed to help clean. She's now the favorite. Forever.

After it was all made right again, I made another cake. Because honestly, what good is a Sunday dinner without a chocolate cake? Am I right? This time, the Forever Favorite Child made sure I included all the ingredients. Hallelujah. The day was saved.


I've had something on my mind lately. And I just have to ask. OK? Because I'm curious and I'm also worried I'm weirder than I already suspect. So hear me out.

I'm an Introvert.

I think.

I love talking to people. Truth. I'm wildly entertaining to be with. Another truth. But reality? I never want to go anywhere. Ever. I just want to stay home and do my thing. The Husband may, or may not, have started calling me a hermit. And I'm totally not offended. It's a backwards compliment.

It all started once I turned 40. Since then I really can't find any enthusiasm for going out. Home is where it's at for me. Parties? Sheesh, can't stand them. But once I actually go? Because I'm married to an uber social butterfly? I have fun. Because remember, I love talking to people. So, I just don't know what my problem is.

I've decided it's an age thing. Am I right? Chime in if you're over 40. Do you hate going out too? Or is it just me. Maybe it's me. OK, it's probably only me. For reals. I'm a walking "situation". I should get out more, but hey, that takes way too much energy. I'd rather stay home and do a puzzle. I'm terrible. Or maybe I'm really 84 instead of 44.

I'm going to eat my feelings with some chocolate cake.

Happy Monday.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Easy Peezy Flower Garland

This is for your kitchen window. Right over the sink, so you can see it every day.

Start with any pattern scrapbook paper. You will need 3 sheets.

I made a template by cutting out a random 4 leaf flower out of cardstock. Nothing fancy. I just drew the flower and cut it out. Then I traced the shape onto the back of each scrapbook paper. I fit 9 flowers per page.

Cut out all your flowers.

You want to curl the petals with your flat iron. Hold/pull outward/and curl. Speedy quick. Do each petal on the flower.

This makes your flowers more 3D and awesome.

Sew them onto a long string of thread. Pull the needle through the top of one of the petals. Come in and out through the back.

String them all together. I used 25 flowers on my strand.

Hang across your kitchen window and enjoy!

I demand you craft today.

Monday, July 6, 2015

From The List

The Summer List. I make one every year. Even if they tell me they're too old for one. And then I spend all my time forcing, I mean asking them nicely, to do each and every item. So far, the Baby Child is the only one having any fun. The others are too cool to move off the couch.

Go Karts make the list every year. Even in the Texas heat.

Creating art is always something I beg/bribe them to do. Crafting is the work of angels. I'm totally convinced it's what everyone does in heaven.

And this year I finally caved and let them spill Diet Coke all over my driveway. Entertainment at it's finest.

What's on your list this summer?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It's July?

The view from my kitchen window. Which I stand at 4,000 times a day.

Did you know it's month 7? How did that even happen? I feel like June was a blur. I was mostly in a "too much on my plate" coma for most of it. After all the graduation wrap up and then girl's camp, I just had to slow my roll. You know?

And now it's like, summer. Right? Because my people are sleeping until 1:00 pm every day. And then sometimes they nap. Getting something to eat out of the pantry can just wipe you right out. They do have chores. Which they randomly accomplish. Oh, and then when they're bored, they like to cook. Say what? It's weird. The Baby Child made a pie crust the other day. Wrapped it up and stuck it in the fridge. And that was after she made chocolate chip cookie cups. I'm serious.

You wanna know what else happened in June? Other than exhaustion? I bought the world's worst toilet paper. I'm being legit. The. Worst. If it's on sale with a coupon at Costco, it's a good buy, right? Wrong! Within the week I went to the See's Candies store and bought treats for the whole family to just make up for my negligence.

My sister let the Baby Child drive. She's 12. I have no words.

Girls #1 and #2 went boating. Girl #1 split her lip open when a wake board hit her in the mouth. For days she has talked funny. It makes me giggle inside every single time. Is it bizarre that their pain brings me amusement?

June felt like a lazy month. Which is kindof awesome. Let's hope that July follows suit.

And on a side note...Child #1 has started shopping for college stuff. Her new bedding arrived yesterday. I almost threw up and cried at the same time.

Peace out.