"Mom, draw a heart on my hand and then I will draw a heart on yours. That way when I miss you, I can hold my hand on my cheek. When you miss me, you can hold your hand on your cheek too."We both quickly drew our hearts. Then the bus pulled up and she raced out the door. I watched her long, blond hair fly in the wind as her backpack bobbed up and down as she ran. She bounced on the bus without a second look back. But I stayed and stared. Trying to capture her in my memories. This moment where her small hand still fits inside mine. This moment where she still finds comfort in a heart held to her cheek. I closed my hand and held her heart there. It seemed to melt into my soul. Over the course of my day, the outline faded, but the love did not. I think I'll simply hold my hand to my cheek forever.
New Roman Window Shade.
5 years ago
So Sweet. now quit it!
BEAUTIFUL - I love it !!!
That one is a classic around our house too. Now to figure out how to slow down time. The growing up part of it all, is sometimes too much! Thanks for sharing!
WOW, that is sooo amazingly sweet. Tears were in my eyes. Lisa, you're amazing.
Thanks for making me cry at work. Again. Damn you.
The little things that make parenting worth it!
That was very sweet! I can't wait for moments like those. Thanks!
So so so sweet!
that made me cry a little
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