Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wait For It...

Daughter #1 needed 'special theater makeup'. Supposedly, they only sell 'special theater makeup' at 'really special stores'. I keep forgetting the name of the store, so I just continue to call it Kitty Kat's Closet. It's far from correct, but whatever.

While The Daughter is purchasing her 'super-special-theater-makeup-that-looks-like-I-could-buy-at-Dollar-General', she and her friend decided to peruse the store. And low and behold, guess what she found?

She sends me this picture claiming it's perfect for me. For Halloween. Oh, and my sister can wear the matching one. Ya'll, these are too awesome for words. Except for these--I have the Best. Daughter. Ever.

But wait, it gets even sweeter.
Just in case your teeny eyes can't read the packaging, guess what these beauties are called......Liquid Metal TankTards.

Say what?

Let me just repeat for fun. Liquid Metal TankTards.

For heaven's sakes, I'm actually trying to imagine where I would wear this. To surprise my teenagers by showing up to the high school? What about a PTO meeting? Oh, I know, how about church? Although, I would need to make it a little fancier for that. So, I'd wear a belt. And some heels.

It looks like there are several packages available of the TankTards. I'm thinking this should be a group effort. Let me know if you want in.

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