Saturday, January 25, 2014

For Saturday

A joke for you. From Teenager #1:

What do you call a cow standing in tall grass?

Udderly Tickled

Yes. I know. It's hilarious.
You're welcome.

And because you're smiling, I give you my girls. They're all in one place, at the same time, and in the same breathing space as one another.

OK. I kinda, maybe sorta, forced (with some yelling) them to stand close together and smile. This came at the end of a long, bad day and I don't think they dared to defy me.

I hope your weekend is filled with a little humor and maybe some sorta forced (with righteous yelling) family time.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I just got caught up on the last of your blog posts---have laughed, have almost cried (that's good for me), and think that you should go for your dreams of decorating and writing. There's got to be a place that you can write--The Chronicle, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle---you are so real and so funny. Just know that even though I don't comment on every post, I thoroughly enjoy them. Keep up the good work!
