Sunday, February 7, 2010


I know you won't believe it, but I'm writing this while the Superbowl goes unwatched. Todd and the girls are watching America's Funniest Home Videos. No football. It hasn't even occurred to me to turn it on. I wrote about last year's Superbowl reminding me of the Bachelor here. We're just not football kinda people. I'm an award show kinda people. Give me the Oscars or Grammys, and I'm curled up by the TV ready to be spiritually fed.

The one thing that has been on mind my as of late, is this word: Enough. It's been swimming around in my brain with my thoughts weaving in and out of it. I just don't feel like my enough is Enough. Does that make sense? The best I have to give doesn't feel like the best that should be given. Are you with me?

I think that we have times where we ebb and flow out of this state. We have short seasons of feeling like we've got it all together. But then we slide into a season where our enough just simply isn't Enough. No matter our effort. Today I'm in that season. It's where my thoughts are.

Years ago I found this in a magazine:I ripped it out and taped it on my fridge. Now it sits on my master cork board next to my master calendar. I have had it so long, it's worn, and it even ripped down the middle and I had to tape it back together. Year after year, this simple quote remains my constant. Women change the world everyday.

Maybe as I look at what amounts to being Enough, I've set my sights on the wrong horizons. Maybe being Enough is all about changing the world I'm standing in. Not in monumental sweeps, but in small acts of devotion. Everyday I take care of a family and all that entails. Everyday I offer the best I have at that moment to serve the Lord. Everyday I try to make the best choices possible. I may not always succeed, but I try.

All that I do only amounts to small, simple, invisible acts. But combined, they change the world. Not the world at large, but this world. The one where I am surrounded by the people I love. This world, that is messy and chaotic and hard work. And when I step back and look at it, maybe, just maybe, it's Enough.


  1. Oh wow- thank you- I really needed that tonight and lately! I hope I can make my little world the best it can be :)

  2. I think at the end of your life you will find it was enough and far more! You're my idol!
    Yesterday at church I was informed it was superbowl day. I asked Wade who was playing..."Don't know, Don't care" was his reply.

  3. You are and will always be WAY more then enough to me by just being you!
