Friday, February 20, 2009

Girl Scouts or Heavenly Messengers?

They show up at your door and present you with cookies. The only thing they ask for in exchange is money. And ya know, you just can't put a monetary value on a Thin Mint. You just can't.

Other than the first day of school, this is my next favorite day. But don't worry, these boxes should last me a couple of days....I hope.


  1. How come they are selling in Texas? They only sell here in the summer- dang! Here I come Texas!!

  2. Samoas are my favorite. I only buy from nice girls, not the crazy ones in front of Albertsons that try to grab your purse out of you hands and force you into 12 boxes. Sick and wrong.

  3. Why don't girl scouts ever come to my house :(

    I could easily eat a box of thin mints in one go.

  4. Madi is in girl scouts so i actually got to hold the order from in my hand. I'm with Tana... I only buy samoas. Everything else is "just a cookie"

  5. I am a girl scout too and the cookies are delectible i love samoas
    tagalongs and thin mints

  6. Thin mints are the best - just buy 10 boxes and freeze them...they are really good cold!! (although I can go through 10 boxes rather quickly)

  7. Not a single girlscout has come to my door. They would SO score if they did. Their loss. I'll be over tomorrow for a thin mint...

  8. love these cookies!!! The Paula Deen desert looks the best!
