I'm a planner. A list maker. I am not spontaneous. Like, ever. I plot my week out days in advance. My brain is always thinking 5 steps ahead. Always.
And then a child gets sick.
Suddenly I have no plan. Well, the plan quickly turns into scraping all previous plans. You know? It's like everything falls away and you're home. Stuck in one spot with a singular focus.
And I realized today that having no plans really is it's own kind of beauty. I become more focused and intentional with all that I'm doing. Sure, I'm working like mad to keep the germs from spreading. But I'm present. All the way.
It forces me to look around and work with where I am and who I'm with. So naturally, we craft. Together.
Everything on the To-Do list is set aside, and I'm just with her. And she's with me. You just can't plan that kind of time. It's simply created and lived in. Maybe being spontaneous isn't so bad after all.
*If you have anyone home sick and feel like making your own Bunny Banner (we hung ours over the kitchen window), you can find the details here.
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