Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Line Is Drawn

Sometimes, OK all the times, I'm one of those parents that threatens but then has no follow through. That's how I roll almost all the time. But, heads up, this ain't one of those times. This is straight up serious. A mother can only be pushed so far.

After finishing laundry this weekend, I posted this manifesto on the fridge. I made it all cutesy and color highlighted. And I made the offspring sign in blood. I mean, pen.

Here's how things are goin' down from now on.
Remember, I'm not messin' around no more.

All Foster Children

From this day forward, all laundry bins
must be brought downstairs on Laundry Day 
containing ONLY dirty clothes.

Any person that decides to leave clean
and folded clothes from the previous week
in their bin, will be punished to the full extent.
See details below.

Any person caught trying to trick their mother
into washing the same, exact clothes she
washed the week before, will be
subjected to the following--

Your cell phone privilege will be revoked until
you act out 3 stories from the scriptures.
Costumes and props will be required.
Your mother will film your performances
and post them on YouTube.

Go Ahead.
Try Me.
I'll take you down.

Cross your fingers, people.
Life is about to get real over here.


  1. If you really enforce this I will buy ticket and fly down to see these re-enactments.

  2. Oh this is great!! brilliant idea.
