Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Christmas Spirit

First off, there will be no sass coming from anyone when you see the sucky quality of these pictures. You'll just have to deal. OK? One is at night and the other is at 5:30 am, in my kitchen. With my phone. You see? No sass.

Ugly sweater day at school also coincided with their choir tours to the elementary schools. Is it just me, or does Child #1 look like the snowman is coming forth from her stomach? And I can't decide if the sweaters are just ugly-ugly, or ugly-awesome.

Who knows, maybe those elementary school kids got a little frightened during the performance. Because, come on! It's like a Christmas Elf barfed on some shirts and they clothed their bodies with them.

And does anyone else notice that Child #2 is now taller than her sister? Oh boy, that's a deal.

My sister, oh my sister {sigh}...Let my Baby Child stand on top of her car. One twin is buckled properly in her seat and the other is shooting out of the sunroof. Ah, seriously? This is epic trouble. I think. Maybe? She "claims" she didn't know it was all happening. Yah, right.

Live wild and free this weekend.
And if you're feeling especially crazy, hot glue a bunch of Christmas crap to a sweater, and then wear it to church. For. Reals.

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