Wednesday, November 26, 2014

So It Goes

Days without school are slippery things. They're wonky and messy and just downright crazy. Who ever thought that giving the kids the entire week off was a good idea? How on earth can I count my blessings with the TV on an endless loop?

So, I get strategic. I "casually" suggest they sleep over at my sister's house. And then I just so happen to drop them at their favorite friend's house (the Myer's rock!). I'm so clever when it's needed. And right now? At this very moment? They're at the mall with only a teenager in charge. I've been saying silent prayers for her for the last hour.

But seriously, I swore, I promised these children that we were going to buckle down this week. Rooms to clean, chores to do! I almost drew it out in blood. I was that serious. And guess what? Child #2 lived in her pajamas for 2 days straight while watching at least 53 old episodes of Gray's Anatomy. She ignored my constant demands to work on driver's ed. So I finally told her, and I quote, "I will set your body on fire if you don't get a pep in your step this very minute." She didn't even blink. I need to work on my scary face.

And The Husband discovered yesterday that the Baby Child decided to sign us up for Hulu. Say to the what? When questioned, she replied, "It said it was free for a month! Geez. I wanted to watch my show at our cousin's house." For the love, you're kidding me. Clearly I need to start unplugging the TV's around here. But then what? They'll just follow me around and talk to me. Oh the humanity.

Child #1 has deemed this week a vacation from everything. I've hardly seen her. Today I stomped my foot and demanded she stay home long enough to clean her bathroom. Guess what? She's just watched TV. Shocker. Although, I did just read through a Thankful List she was asked (forced) to write to her parents. She thanked me for being her 'womb creator' and gifting her with awesome dance skills. Well, there's always that.

Here's to a week where blessings stand front and center. And watch a ridiculous amount of TV. Cheers to you.

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