Saturday, September 20, 2014

Talk Nerdy To Me

The man in this house is only passionate about a few things. New iphones tops the list. And just because I know you're curious, butterflies rank at number 2. Chapstick and root beer come in next.

There's a fever pitch that runs through here when a new Apple product is released. It's rather entertaining to watch. Butterfly Boy may have come home early from work yesterday, just because the UPS man was set to deliver some 6's.

These two both got new phones last night. So, of course dad and daughter talked geek together. I found them chatting up about "clouds" and "new features" and all things nerdy. So adorb-zies. Truly. A scrapbook moment.

And just because we're talking about The Man, I have to tell  you something. I just have to. He killed his latest batch of caterpillars. Oh my gosh, I have to squeeze my eyes shut to try and stop laughing. I really shouldn't find it hysterical, but I do. He fed them fertilized plants. He's now a Butterfly Killer. Oh geez, that's so funny. You with me?

And that 18 year old? I guilt-tripped her. I rather excel when it comes to that kind of parenting. I saw something on Pinterest that I wanted her to make for me. She's super artsy and creative, so I'm only trying to build her talent. I pulled out my mom card, the "If you really love me" trick. It worked beautifully. Look:

This family looks way better as sticks than we do in real life. Too bad no one has hands to hold their new iphones.

Enjoy the weekend, my friends. Put your geek on.

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