Monday, September 1, 2014

How The Weekend Goes

How we handle a long weekend:

1. We nap.
I can't remember the last time I took a nap. Truly. I think I had forgotten how. This weekend was a good reminder to put Nap Time on the schedule. I think it might make me a nicer mom. Probably not, but it's worth a try.

2. We teach zit tutorials.
The Baby Child got her first zit. I taught her how to take care of it.
I instructed her to hold a tissue on it to stop the bleeding. This is what I discovered 10 minutes later. Her explanation? "I didn't want to hold the tissue." I may just get a genius child yet.

3. We decorate.
"We" is a loose term. I decorate. I've been painting frames and making banners and wreaths for about a month. I would pretty much to anything for the twins.

4. We lecture. A lot.
"You can't keep 8 empty water bottles stacked on your bedroom floor."

"No, you can't continue to shower once the shower curtain and rod have fallen to the floor. Days ago."

"Yes, when I ask why you're wearing that dress, it does mean I think you look ugly. But when I say it with my nice voice, you can't take offense."

5. We eat out.
Because, good grief, cooking just seems like such a waste of time sometimes. I mean really, we have naps to take!

6. We family.
And we celebrate cousins and childhood bonds and an amazing boy who is leaving for his church mission. The best of times.

I hope your Labor Day was filled with all sorts of goodness.

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