Thursday, July 10, 2014

The What Up.

1. I'm calling this last week the 'Tonsilgate'. It's been epic. Which is code wording for terrible.
Several mothers had told me that this surgery was a doosey. For legit, them's was tellin' the truth. Doctors should send these kids home with better warning labels on what's to come. And I really think it should be legal for the caregivers to smoke weed for the week. I'm so very not kidding. I know you can't see me, but I'm wearing my serious face right now.

2. Good friends feel your pain. So they come over to the house and entertain the star of the Tonsilgate drama.
And the teenagers try to get fancy and sophisticated with the hair and makeup. I may have let out a loud gasp when I first saw this. I'm pretending that this is the "theater version" of makeup design.

3. And speaking of makeup. You won't believe what happens to The Favorite Baby Child's eyelashes when they get a coat of mascara.
These are the real deal. I'm fairly certain they're long enough to measure with a ruler. They are ridiculously amazing.

4. This girl:
Told me this morning, "I've decided I really want to meet a prisoner. You know, like from jail. Just to chat." I did not ask her to elaborate, because, why?

5. And this!!!
I found this on Pinterest. I almost strangled on my acorn love. So I sent it to all my kids and told them I must have it! They were not impressed. Or motivated to make my dreams come true. Shocking.

Is it totally obvious that I've tipped over the edge of crazy? I mean, I'm hunting for mini acorn tea sets. Clearly I am not of sound mind.

It must be the summer heat.

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