Monday, June 9, 2014

I Remembered What I Forgot

Summer is like childbirth. You totally forget how bad it is until you're in the middle of it. Somehow your memory has a wipe out from the last go around. Living with your kids all summer long vs. labor pains without medication? Totally exactly the same thing. For reals.

There are certain qualities about your children that you are "aware" of during the school year. But when they're gone for several hours a day, you can will your brain into delusion. Somehow, when my people are at school, I can convince myself that they're normal. Hard work, no joke.

But now. {pause for dramatic sigh....}
They. Are. Home. {swallow the tears}
All day long. {hold in the panic}

This is just the tip top point of summer. And guess what? I just remembered that they're idiots. Plain and simple. I love and adore them. But come on!

#2 decided to wrap elastic bands (normally used for bookmarks) around her head. I made her take them off once it was clear the circulation was shutting down.

And she got fake nails put on again. 2 days later, she spent 45 minutes digging them off with her teeth. She kindly left them in a pile on the piano.

One of the worst gems of summer? Every day becomes a Saturday. The house gets trashed, the kids whine about having to get off the couch and there is no place I can hide that's quiet.

Are you feelin' it? The labor pains?
Yah. Me too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I wish I could come down and spend the summer on your couch. The entertainment would be fabulous!
