Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hiding From The Obvious

Here's all the obvious that I've been ignoring:

The Favorite Baby Child has officially become Rapunzel. She has needed a haircut for the last 6 months. And every time I decide to take her, my mind conjures up all the things that money could be spent on at Target. Thus, this girl has hair down to her waist.

All 3 girls declared war on my soul and decided they no longer wanted to take violin lessons. I refused the reality for the longest time and continued to keep violins lying around everywhere. This family has taken lessons for so long, I even own a few.

Now they want piano lessons. It's like a revolt! I can't even take it, so I've ignored it. So, they've looked up YouTube lessons and written notes on the keys with dry erase. Music notes are universal, no matter the instrument. I'm a little surprised that someone thinks there is a 't' note on the piano. Clearly, they need an official teacher.

Child #2 volunteered to be the model for a toilet paper, modest gown creation. Isn't that train awesome? When I asked her about the cardboard tube stuck into the side of her gown, she informed me it was a gun. Modest is hottest, and I guess sometimes you might need to defend yourself.

On the flip side of ignoring the obvious is soaking in what's front and center.
Thank the stars for the Angel Baby. She has the ability to pull happiness right out of you. I hope she makes you smile today. And maybe, just maybe, the obvious won't feel so crazy.

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