Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Miracle(s)

Child #2 agreed to take a picture.

Without fighting me.

Or being bribed.

I simply asked that she stand by her sister while we were at an ice skating rink.

She stepped in closer and smiled.

Just like that.

I nearly choked and dropped my phone.


Child #1's choir group toured the local elementary schools today. Lots of festive singing (I warned Child #3 that she was headed her way). She was required to wear festive clothing to match all that singing.

No words, right?

And it gets even better.

She made the sweater. Darn straight.

I've used hot glue for many things. But never to attach ornaments and tinsel onto a sweater in the shape of a Christmas Tree.

I told her that I really can't decide if this is a proud parental moment.

Want her to come sing at your house?

1 comment:

  1. Yes I do want her to sing at my house. I'm just a few streets from Grandma ;)
