Monday, November 18, 2013

My #3

If you have ever been in one of my organizing classes, you've heard me explain that I'm only good at 4 things. Truly. Only 4. Here they are:

1. Decorating and Organizing.
2. Making Desserts.
3. Being a freakin' awesome Aunt.
4. Having stunning eyelashes.

So, here's the drill when either of the twins are at my house.....they get whatever they want. End of story. No arguing. Whatever. They. Want.

While at my house the other day, Keagan ate chips, gum, popsicles, granola bars, various items of candy. Did I make her eat anything healthy? No. I'm the Awesome Aunt (AA for short), remember?

She also dragged out crayons, paper, stickers, scissors and some pens. Oh, and she pulled all the games out of the game cabinet too. I could have cared less. I'm the AA. When you're only good at 4 things in life, you gotta live large. Go big or go home.

Does any of this awesomeness roll over into my parenting? Uh, that would be an obvious no. Being a good parent isn't on my list. I used to try really hard to make that #5, but it's never worked out. I cut my losses early with that one.

It's all about being an aunt.
With fantastic eyelashes.

I hope it's enough to get me into heaven.

1 comment:

  1. ORGANIZING CLASSES????!!! You teach these- how did I not know this?! I gotta buy tickets for my little Zoo for Texas right now- put them on the next sign up :) Oh yeah, they will be there! Love it!
