Child #1 hit the house with my car. Technically she "scratched along the side of it". According to her, "she didn't see the house". Ah, OK. Because, it's so tiny, it's easy to miss. According to her dad, "she never pays attention when she drives!" But he later admitted that he had no room to criticize because he drove a tractor into a ditch when he was a teenager (because he decided to lunge for his dog who was attempting to flee out the window). This family is so full of crazy, it's comical.
Child #2 has resorted to leaving her used Q-Tips on the couch. As a present for me. I told her I'm going to wring her neck if she does it again. Guess what? She did it again. I guess my threats don't carry enough weight.
I've decided Child #3 isn't old enough to be a menace. She still likes her parents. So, I've proclaimed her The Favorite. I'm thinking of having a crown made for her. A really big one.
And, just in case you're curious--The Summer Rules are proving to be quite the stoke of genius. I haven't collected any cash yet, and I've only had to issue a few warnings. There may just be hope for this summer, yet.
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