Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May Daze

Is there some unwritten rule of the universe that this month notches up on the crazy? Because seriously, it feels full-tilt, non-stop crazy around here. There are concerts, projects, activities, school functions. Oh, and dinner needs to appear and laundry washed. And then the teenagers start texting me from school begging me to bring them (and their friends!) lunch. You know, because I have nothing else to do.

I'm giving you an update on our goings-on. Why? Because I function on the belief that the Internet is fascinated by the Fosters. Yah, I know it's weird.

Child #1 got a job. My bank account is so happy, it started weeping. She brought home her first paycheck and stretched out her arms and stared at it. Then she looked at us and said, "How do I get the actual money out of this?" Todd suggested she squeeze it out.

The Husband decided to hatch butterflies. Inside the house. I'm totally serious. He put 6 ginormous caterpillars in a jar on the counter. We huddled around that thing for days watching them consume leaves like sumo wrestlers eating ribs. Fascinating stuff.

When they all started hatching, I whisked them outside speedy quick. And of course I was the only one around to do all the work. I spent 2 days with my ninja skills getting fresh butterflies out of the jar and into the blazing Texas sun. I've now got a skill to add to my stellar resume.

In an effort to amuse myself, I've started sending random pictures to Child #1 during the day. And I text her endlessly just to annoy her. It makes me happy. I'm fairly certain that's not normal.

Child #2 just finished her "Flour Baby" assignment. This is what she did to it on the bus yesterday. The first day she brought it home she ripped it's arm off. She strapped it back on with that orange duct tape. Then she proceeded to let the baby sit on a kitchen stool for 18 straight hours. I'm not quite sure that was the point of this project. When I mentioned that she wasn't taking very good care of her baby, she simply said, "Eh." Well, there you go.

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