Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Run Down and Some Links

I'm grumpy. That's saying a lot considering my usual demeanor is borderline "not pleasant". But, here's the deal-- I need a root canal. If that wasn't enough to make me smile, the right side of my back feels like it's being squeezed by a giant. Oh, and I don't like chiropractors or dentists. Like, a lot. So I've just settled down into my grumpy and coated it all with pain killers. Nice, no? Want to sit down and join me?

Since you probably won't join me, (because honestly, who would) create some down time and read these posts. Does anyone really have down time? I think the last time that naturally occurred in my life was an hour before Child #1 was born and I was in epidural heaven. Since then, down time only happens if I create it. So, make your own and read these:

For those of you who have daughters...

For those of you with teenagers...

If you're a mom...
 If you want to read an article I wrote...
(If you just want to see a cute picture of my girls when they were little...)
This is a new mom website that is just taking root. 
It was created by a mom I passionately admire. Take a look around.

And last, but not least, I give you the cutest fisher-girl you've ever seen. Take a cue from her today. Let go of your busyness and let your 'To Do' list rest. Just for a few moments. And soak in the quiet.

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