Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Hills Are Alive

There has been an extreme amount of singing goin' on around here. From Child #2 most specifically. Within the last 2 weeks, I think this girl has sung more than she has spoken. I'm telling you, lots of singing.

On top of regular choir and Region Choir, her advanced group of girls was invited to perform at the music conference in San Antonio. A pretty big deal-io. A super-de-duper huge amount of singing was required for that one. Beautiful stuff, by the way.

She won't sing for me at home. Or really, for anyone. She refuses. I'll catch snippets of her voice when she's upstairs, but that's about all. I've begged, bribed and shamefully threatened bodily injury to try and get her to sing. It's always a 'no'. Most often accompanied with an eye roll. But, I keep trying. I'm nothing if not persistent. Or just stupid.

The music trip occurred last week. 2 days of non-stop stuff. As a bonus, the group took a trip to Austin to visit the Texas Capital. I got a text from one of the chaperones that day telling me that my child was currently rolling down the hill at the Capital.  On purpose. Just because. The sad truth-- I wasn't surprised at all.

I asked her about her jovial tumble once she arrived back home. Apparently the organized tour was "way too boring". She saw the hill and decided to roll. Nice.

Maybe I should try a new angle. Hilltop rolls in exchange for singing for me? Do you think it'll work? Yah, I didn't think so.



  1. Waiting for the fosters to announce that they are singing in the ward talent show as a family. You and Todd are missing all the fun.
    PS I'm trying to update my blog. I have a long way to go.

  2. The hills are alive with the sound of music!!!
