Monday, August 27, 2012

Hyperventilate On Happiness

You really can't appreciate silence until it arrives. I want to gather it all up and bathe in it. I had forgotten what an empty house feels like. Now I remember and oh, how I've missed it.

I honestly think mothers deserve some kind of an award on the 1st day of school. Some large, gold emblem that proves you made it through the summer and didn't harm anyone (too badly). It should just appear on your doorstep that first school day. Like the manna from heaven in the Bible. Except, I want mine to be shiny so I can wear it. Too much?

I'm trying to catch up on all I couldn't do while the children were here. You know, stuff like sitting. All by myself. With no one demanding I entertain them or break up a fight. Sitting is hard work. I may just have to take a nap too.

Happy new school year everyone.


  1. My house is so quiet. I can hear the house creek. I can hear myself breathe. It's heavenly. I love my kids. But this is therapy for my soul ;).
    Note to self next time I see a large gold medallion in the stores ... get one for Lisa and put it on her front porch. Make it large and heavy ... she's earned it ... she'll wear it proud!

    Happy sitting and napping day ;)

  2. Glad the quiet has finally reached you! Enjoy.
