Thursday, May 24, 2012

An Unexpected Gift

It's been one of those weeks. The kind where you can't catch your breath. The tasks feel endless and time rationed to miniscule amounts. I know you can relate. This is what happens when everything begins to wind down before summer.

Amidst the crazy, I happened to open a set of scriptures I used in high school. It was a random act thrown in between rushing here while needing to be there.

I discovered a set of notes from my dad. All piled neatly together and tucked inside thin pages. My heart stilled and my soul calmed. And for the briefest of moments, I didn't dare breathe.

There was love. Written in a handwriting I would recognize anywhere. A random note card, a piece of paper, the back of his business card. Simple words once left for me. It felt like I was holding heaven.

Life has a way of reminding you what truly matters. Let us be still and use our eyes to see those we cherish most. Hold love in your hands and let it soak deep in your soul. Set the world aside and embrace the unexpected gifts.


  1. Umm that was really tender! And I've found similar things from my mom at the perfect time. Thank you!

  2. It's the little things that make you realize that there aren't any "little things."

  3. I think he knew that you'd need to have those notes someday. WHat a sweet and precious gift!
