Thursday, September 22, 2011

A New Record

I'm about to tell you something that will take your breath away. You should be sitting down for this. Are you ready?........It's been 31 days of school and no one has been called into the principal's office! Did you catch that? 31 days!

Last year we made it to day 17 before I got the first call (yes, the FIRST). Now that we are at day 31, I'm over the moon. I think I might make a cake to celebrate. Should I light 31 candles, or is that too over the top?

What do families do that have normal kids? When do they make cakes to celebrate? I wonder what life is like for those parents who don't hibernate the fear of a phone call from the school? Their lives are probably peaceful and filled with obedient children. I bet they never get the chance to make cake.

I'm going to try and remain humble about our new record. The second I get cocky and let my guard down, that's when the phone will ring. For now, I'm crossing my fingers and praying. A lot.

Oh, and I'll be eating cake.


  1. ironic you should post this today. i just got my first call from the AP today. boy child #2...surprised?

  2. Hehe!! So love it- savor every moment!!

  3. Celebrate with cupcakes of course!

  4. Congrats. You may be entering into a new chapter in life. One where you children are obedient and good and quiet and have no struggles. I hope I enter that chapter soon. Dreaming.
