Thursday, April 28, 2011

Random- As Of Late

At our house, we are currently obsessed with this video. The more you watch it, the funnier it gets. Fact!

Read here for the best thing I've read in a month. My life now has a light that wasn't there before. I can't believe I've lived this long without knowing this information.

My favorite blog writer continues to inspire. Her words seem to fold under your skin and fill you with hope (and a lot of motivation).

Have I ever mentioned that I'm a genius? No? Well, I'm like, totally, way superbly smart. Wanna know how I know? I produced a child that did this:

She maneuvered a system to hook the Rip Rider to the wheelchair. And, it's all perfectly balanced. Totally genius. No way those smarts come from Todd.

Riley zipped by at the speed of light. I'm totally taking all the credit for this one.

This girl, this week: She asked me if I wanted to see a wrestling move. I, in turn, inquired how she even knew how to demonstrate one.

"Oh, I've been watching the WWE on YouTube."
"Seriously? You've been watching wrestling?"
"Yup, and it's TOTALLY AWESOME!"
"I hate to break it to you, but it's fake."
"No it's not! Don't even say that! It's very real when they slam the other guy into the ring and then fall on top of him."
"Uh huh."

To this day, I have yet to convince this child that wrestling is all made up. Oh, and she still wants to try a move on me. On top of that, she woke up in the middle of night on Easter to check out everyone's baskets. Before Addie was even out of bed, Kellie had given her the run down on what the Bunny left. She's truly a jewel.

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