Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Running The Race

It's easy to cheer for a winner. Don't you think? They hold our gaze and we stand at the edge of our seat to catch a view of the finish line. We always want to watch a winner. They're inspiring.

But then we sit down while the race continues. There are other runners. Lots of them. What about those that are average? Or even those who fall far behind? Why don't we cheer for them with the same fervor as the winner? Even our attention tends to fall away after most have completed the course. Why is that?

Most of us are the average runners. Those who work their hardest just to maintain their middle ground. Sure, there are a few winners out there, but only a few. The rest of us are still just running. And running. We don't gather a lot of attention and many around us often ignore our hard work. But we're still there. Still running.

I want to cheer for the average, the middle-roaders. And I want to cheer even louder for those who have fallen far behind. For there is something to be said for even entering the race. There is even more to be said for finishing the course when you're embarrassed to be last. Aren't we all just trying to finish? Isn't that the whole point?

I think we need to focus on our running. Not on any of the runners that surround us, just ourself and our own rhythm. If we keep it steady and straight, the finish line with eventually reach us. And when it does, I'm fairly certain a chorus of cheers will be heard.

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