Thursday, March 10, 2011

All In A Day

This is Addie. She's hoarding the road tiles. You know, the ones that are used to separate car lanes? Ya, those. After being told she couldn't leave the driveway, she came home with them. I asked her (maybe with my yelling voice) to go put them back. Later I found them precisely lined up along my curb.

Then, Kellie stepped off the bus with this:

Don't you like how her arm is propped up by the sink? I can't imagine why. I questioned her on the reason for the arm graffiti. Her response? "Oh, I got bored in 7th period." I suggested that the next time she should use paper. I doubt she'll remember.


  1. I am laughing. I am sorry. I am sure it's not what you want to hear. But I love the crazy antics of children. We have to laugh ... in order to not cry :). We love your girls!

  2. oh, i'm so glad your house is like mine; it's nice to have company :)
