Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A New Low

At our house, calls from the principal are no longer shocking. In fact, I've come to simply expect them. Whispered chats with a teacher in the hall? The kind where she tells you your 6 yr. old kissed another 6 yr. old? Yup. I've had those too. Most of the time there are certain teacher's rooms I try to avoid out of fear of what they'll tell me.

But yesterday, we reached a point I never saw coming. I'm usually guarded for this kind of stuff. But now we have reached a new low. Kellie's bus driver called me. On the phone. Oh, I'm serious. Teachers and principals I'm prepared for. Bus drivers? Not so much.

And here's the funny twist to the story-- just 2 days ago, I sent an email to the school's principal regarding some extremely inappropriate behavior that was happening on the bus that the bus driver was ignoring. So then what happens? She, in turn, calls to lecture me about my own child. Doesn't that just breathe of warm fuzzies? Mmm hmm.

Apparently this child of mine likes to roam from seat to seat. While. The. Bus. Is. Moving. She just feels the need to get up and walk around. So awesome. While expressing my clear angered frustration to Todd, he only offered, "What's the big deal. She's just friendly and wants to chat with all her friends." I almost hit him.

Today is a new day, so I'm trying not to think about how crazy all these people are that I live with. But, for now, I'm going to stop answering my phone. I think it's bad for my health.


  1. we got our first call from a principal. Cater was freaking out....he was so upset he could barely talk. Apparently a (black)kid got a new haircut (mohawk) and people were making a bunch of comments and Cater touched the top of his head and said, "you look like the guy from Black Eyed Peas" All the boy said he heard was "You Black eye PEa". He shoved Cater, a little fight happened. The boy pulled the race card and we all ended in the principal's office. This is a foreign place for us, so Cater was basically hyperventilating and couldn't tell his side of the story.

    Ed went down the next morning and said, he's fine with Cater being suspended, but he was not being racist. He was saying the kids hair looking like a singer from the black eyed peas. Turns out the principal is a Rush Limbaugh fan and so now Ed met his best friend.

    Ummmm....i think i just left a story, not a comment.

  2. I am so not looking forward to the days of phone calls from teachers and principals. I guess I'd better watch out, since Anna will be jumping into kindergarten this fall, though. I guess, luckily for us, there are no buses to the elementary school for our neighborhood since we live close.

  3. Funny...the bus driver? Love it. I'm kind of with Todd on this one. Yes, she should be sitting but in the scheme of things...Who cares. She's not being mean and naughty. She's just a fun spunky girl. If you want to ship her somewhere we'll take her!!
