Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm Sharing

I don't like to share. It's hard for me. What does that say about me? Um, let's not discuss that. I don't share dessert. Like, ever. It's one of the commandments (in fine print). But, I really get selfish with my twins. My sister claims she gave birth, therefore they are her twins. I really just see that as a minor technicality.

Today I've decided to share a wee bit of Riley with you. It's so selfless of me. Deep down, I feel like she is this secret from heaven that only a few of us know about. I'm letting you take a peek. Again, I'm a giver. Why am I being so thoughtful? Because Riley offers a happiness that just needs to be shared.

Her physical limitations are many. She has cerebral palsy, a life threatening heart condition, brain damage, and I could go on, but that list does not define her. She has this gift that is heaven sent. I really can't form it into words to even define it. You look into her eyes and you just know she sees more than we see. She smiles and you can catch a view of heaven.

She doesn't talk. But, she laughs. Oh, how she laughs. There is nothing quite like it. You hear it and it makes you giggle. Really. It's one of her many gifts she gives.

So, I'm sharing her laugh. Watch and feel happy. And, if you look closely, you'll see a little piece of heaven tucked into that smile.



  1. oh my goodness! I could eat her with a spoon!!!!

  2. So sweet, made me cry.

  3. Yes, Riley is an ANGEL from Heaven!!! Such a happy little girl!

  4. I sooo needed to hear that! Thanks for sharing! I saw the one on em's FB page..... soooo awesome!
