The driver warned the kids about the llama's tendency to spit. I think it struck a good portion of fear into them. Maybe I should start threatening to spit on them at home. That's definitely a discipline trick I have yet to try.
A picture of a Longhorn simply can't offer a clear reality to what it's like to have a Longhorn chasing after you for your food. I almost stopped breathing, and I'm pretty sure each of his horns is larger than my legs.
The camels were nice. They walk slow and they chew slow. Mine kind of animal.
I have no idea what is so appealing about a petting zoo. The kids hung on the grime infested gate and talked to the pigs and baby goats. I nearly fainted.
You would think that this was enough excitement to last one family a month or two. But not us. Within 24 hours, Addie had thrown up in the car. In. The. Car. With all of us surrounding her, staring in horror. She was covered, the floor mats were covered and so were Makell's NEW shoes and jacket. I almost got out of the car and walked all the way back to the petting zoo. Mercy heavens.
we never get sick of that place. We LOVE it. We don't throw up in our car kids would probably swallow their throw up before letting loose in the car. Cater once spilled an entire 42 oz Dr. Pepper right as I was pulling away from the car wash and I guess I was screaming like a maniac and dropped a few choice words and now they are scared to spill anything in the car...including bodily fluids.