Thursday, January 27, 2011


Am I the only one who feels like my life is one continuous loop around the dishwasher? I started to unload it this morning, and it felt like the movie, Ground Hog Day. Every morning, I ask the girls 18 times to get up and then I'm standing at the dishwasher. Again. Unloading and then loading. Again. It seems to never end.

My life is one perpetual dish washer. Anyone else relate? Can I get an "Amen!"?


  1. I'm more of a figure 8. From the dishwasher to the laundry room, back to the dishwasher, to the laundry room. You get the picture. Amen!

  2. Haaaaa, Just THIS morning Reagan asked me her parent survey question (homework for first graders)........

    Ask your parents What their favorite invention is....

    Mine was a toss up between air conditioning and THE DISHWASHER!! I had to tell her why I loved the dishwasher and then we had to "google" who invented it. Turns out the dishwasher was invented by Josephine Cochran.......

    WOMEN RULE!!!!!

  3. AMEN!! When we lived in Israel our dishwarder broke. Getting anything fixed by a repair man there is a joke. So I hand least 3 times a day. Torture!That was really sucky.
    What I want to know is why I haven't trained my kids better? They should really be doing more chores.

  4. AMEN!!! I want 2 dishwashers SO bad SERIOUSLY I DO!!!

    I will say I hardly EVER unload the dishwasher, my kids always do it. I do load it bc I like it a certain way!!!
