Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Things That Make Us "Special"

I think that a majority of the time, I take for granted all that goes on around here. Everyday Foster "stuff" happens on such a regular basis, I don't find it unusual. But once I casually mention any Foster-isms to other people, they laugh so hard that tears form. It's at that point I realize that we are very far from normal. Way far.

I took this picture of Kellie in front of the temple. It's dusk, it's lovely, it's a beautiful moment. I've been saving it in hopes of writing something just as lovely and beautiful.....Totally not gonna happen.

This week, she burped for her violin teacher. Let me pause here to say, if you haven't heard Makell burp, you have NO concept for what this means. The shortest explanation-- it's phenomenal. I had to check in with the violin teacher the next day, just to make sure she was alright. In her exact words, "Never, ever, ever, in my life, have I heard anything like that. At first I thought it was an alligator. Then I realized it was a tiny, 11 yr. old girl. I laughed so hard, I started crying."

Oh, and right before Makell belched, she discovered that the violin teacher actually knows how to play the violin. She was shocked. I'm serious.

This 14 yr. old has taken up to singing the following altered Christmas carol (you know the tune): "All I want for Christmas is my 2 big boobs, my 2 big boobs, my 2 big boobs...." I've had to gingerly explain that the elves don't make those at the North Pole.

And then there is child #3. This week she told me she wants to have dinner with Justin Bieber. And somehow, she forgot to mention that she was in trouble at school for talking. "Mom, I just can't seem to ever stop talking." Oh, my dear sweet child, I know.

I could stop here and tell you all the "special" things Todd has done recently, but I don't have the time. But, he did mention this week that he fell out of the car a lot as a child. "What do you mean, you fell out?" Todd, "You know, like when the car was moving. The door came open and I flew out." He explained all this with a straight face, as if it were a normal childhood occurrence. He was stunned when I assured him it was not.

"My dad came driving around a corner, and I was opening the door, so I flew out. Oh, and I was riding on top of the sugar beet leaves in the truck, and I fell out of there too. Didn't your mom ever have to lean across the seat and grab your shirt so you didn't fall out the car door?" Um, no. And this little explanation seriously explains a whole lot.


  1. Kellie, sweet Kellie. LOVE your burp. At the Powell home children are constantly trying to be just like you!!
    Sam...I got boobs in 4th grade. I hated it. They will come soon enough...maybe!
    Todd...repeatedly falling out of a moving car,really Todd? Come on you are the only person I know that has fallen out.
    Bean.."Mom I just can't seem to stop talking, ever"
    It's true but we love it about you.
