Sunday, November 21, 2010


This is my 500th post. Weird, isn't it? Over the last 2 1/2 years, I've somehow managed to give life to the voice in my head 500 times. That's a whole lot of words.

I started this blog with the intent of keeping those I moved away from, updated on my life. But over time, it has evolved into something far greater than I imagined. Deeper than I planned. In the strangest of ways, I seem to have found my true self through the words I have written. So, I expose my soul and the crazy life of my family here. It is here where I have found my voice.

I continue to stumble upon people who read here. In 500 posts, I hope I've said something worthwhile. If not, at least you've been entertained. Thank you for returning. Thank you for reading. But most of all, thank you for accepting the voice I have offered.


  1. I adore your voice- please let it keep speaking to us and our hearts :) Sending hugs-

  2. 500? wow lady, that is a lot! Looking forward to 500 more!

  3. I LOVE to read your voice!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  4. Very, very, very entertaining indeed!!! We'll miss you guys at Thanksgiving!
