Monday, September 6, 2010

How We Labored This Day

For this holiday, we celebrated (2 days early) this almost 14 yr. old girl. Serious labor. I have one word for you-- teenagers. Lots and lots of teenagers. I comforted myself with large amounts of cake.

Here she is trapped in the flying ticket booth. I looked at this tiny confined space and silently wished for this booth to appear in my family room. There are days where it would be extremely handy.

Why, oh why, do they giggle so much? And it's so loud. Especially when they are grouped together. The more teenage girls you add, the louder it becomes. It's a phenomenon.

Tomorrow I shall rest from my labors and soak up the silence. Until then, I'll eat more cake.

1 comment:

  1. I should have flown Madi out for the party!!! Super fun. Enjoy the silents tomorrow!
