Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Vacation, Day 3

Sand that feels like you are walking in flour. I could roll in it.

The beach has it's own unique kind of silence. It is mesmerizing.

That is, until one of the salty, sand covered-kids screams, "I hate the beach!"


  1. j-e-a-l-o-u-s! of the beach and your totally sweet pedi! Hope you are all having a wonderful beach vk!

  2. I am SO impressed with your legs! Did you photoshop them not to look so white? Or is it just all the freckles. Destin is AMAZING! Miss you!

  3. You'll be happy to know that on the news last night they had tested the water near the beaches from Texas to Florida, and every test came back perfectly -- no signs of oil or chemicals! Splash away!! ----Linda
