Thursday, June 10, 2010

Short Hair Has Advantages

Hi. My name is Addie, and I like to hold things too close to my hair.

The first time something like this happened can be found here.

You would think it's rather obvious that you shouldn't hold a wheel churning Zu Zu by your head. More than likely, Addie will remember that from now on.

Here is the Zu Zu. It's wheels are. still. turning. I sadly admit that it was rather fascinating to watch the little hampster move itself up her hair.
If you squint your eyes, it could look like a really cool earring.

And before you ask, yes, I did grab my camera and photograph her being tortured before I ever offered to assist her. My motherhood love knows no bounds.

Disclaimer-- no fake rodents were injured in this incident. But now Addie's hair is just slightly shorter on one side.