Sunday, June 20, 2010


I have no defining thoughts to place here today. No eloquent words come to mind. My thoughts are simply....quiet.

I have spent a majority of the day trying to avoid the very purpose it offers. I've stayed busy and tried not to let my mind wander into deep, troubled waters.

But now, in the calm evening, I can't keep them at bay. Thoughts of my father flood my vision. Is it possible to find pain within the folds of a happy memory? I think so.

How many Father's Days have I passed through in my lifetime? 39, to be exact. How many of those did I weigh the importance of the day and give it my full attention? I can't be sure. I took them for granted.

But now, this day holds more meaning than I can grasp. It feels bigger than the day itself.

For today, I shall honor. The amazing father of my children, and the father who took a part of me with him when he left.

I whisper my love to you.

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