Last night, Addie and Todd were driving in the car. She asked him "Is the moon big? Because, it doesn't look big. But, I bet if we could pull it down here, right by us, it would look big." Such imaginative thinking for a 7 year old.
At what point do we stop wondering? How old are we when we no longer use our imagination to solve life's mysteries, or ask fascinating questions? I look at my youngest and realize that I no longer 'wonder' about life like she does. I'm not really sure I even did as a child. But maybe I did, just a little.
Does life just become so busy, so stressful, and so noisy that we can't make room to imagine? I tend to wonder about tedious things. I lay in bed at night and wonder where all the forks have gone. Crazy, but true. It's a mystery. They just slowly disappear. Do the kids take them to school or hide them under beds? I'm not sure. Thus, I wonder.
Maybe adults simply become wired not to think about pulling the moon down beside you. We grow up and tend to see life as simply that...Life. What if we slowed down enough to really 'see'? We just might find the wonder in the smallest of moments all around us. We just might find ourselves actually appreciating everything that's in our Life. And maybe, just maybe, I would discover one or two missing forks.
ReplyDeleteJust read this post on imagination of your child. Thats how they are meant to be. Children are Gods gift, full of creation, imagination, energy.
You can increase your child's imagination by simply asking her the answers of her own questions. Sometimes just by saying: "I dont know dear, what you think... why its like that?" Let her explore, she is more close to nature at this age.
I learnt this from "Art of Living Course". There is a specific course for people from all ages and for children to. For children there is Art Excel Course and for you there is Yes+ or Part I course. Its beautiful course founded by His Holiness Shri Shri Ravi Shankar.
I also heard from my friends a good example. She is a teacher and was teaching children Art Excel course. Below is her conversation with a child:
Child: Why does Gandhi ji has three Monkey's?
My friend: One is for not listening anything Bad, second for not hearing anything Bad, third for not speaking anything Bad.
Child: Yes thats ok. But he totally missed the fourth one... what about not thinking anything BAD?
My friend was totally amazed at this and shared this with me.
Kids are wonderful and we should observe and learn from them.
Keep Smiling always!!
Jai Gurudev!!
Luv Ekta