Sunday, April 25, 2010

Experiment Upon The Word

This morning, I decided to focus on words. An experiment. I decided that for one day, I would make an effort to listen to what was being said all around me. With all the words spoken, I would commit to memory those statements which stood out. Those words that seemed to ring louder in my mind. An experiment upon the word.

In no particular order, here are the words that seemed to find place in my mind today:

"The choices we make everyday have the undeniable power to change our lives."

"Be strong."

"Hey, I just found underwear under the bed."

"In it's light, choose the right."

"You're never dumb. Just a weirdo."

Words can have a powerful effect. We are surrounded by them continually. Today I took the time to really focus on which of those words stuck out loud enough to take up residence in my thoughts.

What words are we gathering each day? I guess that depends on where you're at and who you're with. Maybe that's even more important than the words themselves. Our minds will take in what we hear. So I guess we better make sure we're in a place to hear good words.

But maybe the real experiment comes in the words we speak ourselves. Do the words we offer ring true to those who hear them? Will our words be spoken for good? Will they be spoken to encourage? Will they be spoken to sustain or defend? Will they be spoken with love? I guess that's the real test. Our own, personal, lifelong experiment upon OUR word.


  1. Oh girl...I NEEDED to read this today. I'm needing to make some changes to my own experiment. Thank you!

  2. I need your words today! Josh is in a tough spot right now and my word haven't been the kindest! Thanks for the reminder!!
