Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Divine Intervention

I just so happened to drop by Target today. Guess what was on clearance? 14 cents. I almost wept right there in the isle. I gingerly placed handfuls in my cart. I couldn't help myself.

When I brought them home, I laid them all out on the counter. I leaned down close to them and whispered, "I promise to eat half of you today and the rest of you tomorrow."

If you must know, I bought 25. I'm debating about going back for more. For food storage, of course. It's good to be prepared.

I think I might serve them along with dinner. You know, in place of a roll. Or a vegetable. Or as the main course. Yum.


  1. im coming over to your house for dinner :)

  2. If that's for dinner...i can't WAIT to see what's for dessert! Yumminess. Thank you Target.

  3. I love it Lisa! I am headed to Target tomorrow morning to see if there will be anything left hopefully!

  4. I think I just got a cavity from reading this post!

  5. My ALL TIME FAVORITE candy!! sooooo jealous!!

  6. 14 cents, i think I would have gotten all they had. I love reese's eggs!

  7. That's my kind of food storage!!! Although, it would have a short shelf life...

  8. That is so funny! Can I just say the picture itself is making me drool!
