Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Small Whimper

Are you familiar with the scripture found in John 11:35? No? Well, I shall quote it for you-- "Jesus wept."

It's a nice, little verse. Straight and to the point. All meaning is clear. And today I figured out why He wept. I'm just super smart like that. Do you wanna know why Jesus was sad? Well, you have to read between the lines and really focus all your spiritual energy to see it. But, because I'm a giver, I'll tell you the reason....

He did a quick tally and realized there were only 64 more days until the end of the school year. 64 days. That includes weekends and holidays, people. Can you see why he wept? Big, salty tears. Not that I can relate or anything.

I'll say it again. 64 days. That is such a teeny, tiny number.

Lisa wept.


  1. It can not come soon enough!! Only 64 days until freedom.

  2. You know how I feel about this. It cannot come soon enough for a teacher. Give me strength!

  3. I'm just trying to make it through spring break!!
