Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How Did They Manage?

Tonight, my kids are doing this:And what am I doing? Vacuuming. In the very room where they sit. And guess what? I'm good with it. When they play, they're quiet. And they sit still. I feel like I've tricked the system. They think they are being allowed to play, when in reality, I'm using it to find my sanity. I freely admit that I use technology as a handy parental tool. There. I said it. I'm out in the open. My parenting skills are so stellar that I have to rely on Nintendo to find peace.

Whatever did the pioneers do without gameboys? What did they have to threaten a teenager with? "I'll take away your phone" can strike a good amount of fear. The pioneers had no leverage. What privilege can you lose when there isn't much to choose from? Do you think pioneer children rolled their eyes or said, "that's totally not fair!"? Probably not. They were too busy doing actual work and being obedient to parental requests.

And they probably had parents who knew what they were doing. Huh. That's a thought. But then again, pioneer parents didn't have their pioneer children home ALL DAY during Spring Break. Enough said.


  1. How many more days of spring break??? Good luck!

  2. I hear ya sister! I'm totally ok with movies and games for some sanity every now and then.
