Sunday, January 10, 2010

State Of Mind

Lately, I've been trying to change my state of mind. I'm tired. My mind, I mean. It's tired. I can't seem to move myself in a direction of wanting to do all that I am being asked to do. I think I would even settle for the smallest, tiniest sliver of wanting.

I find myself wishing I could take a step back and be a sideline observer for a while. I want a break from standing in the middle of the action. I want to sit. I don't want to do. But yet, I can not. Therefore, my state of mind remains unchanged. It sits and hopes for quieter, slower times.

This morning, I was thinking about my current, tired outlook. I thought to myself, "How can you tell the Lord you're tired?" Even still, Can you tell the Lord you're tired? That thought somehow led me to the times I ask my kids to do things they don't want to do. The things they're too tired to do. When they ask me "Why?", my answer to them is most often, "Because I asked you to."

Maybe I am no different than they. All this week I have been asking "Why?" This question has just simmered there, in the back of my mind. What if my answer is the same I always offer in response? "Because I asked you to." Reason enough.

I believe that I don't need to tell the Lord I'm tired. He already knows. But He also knows what needs to be done and is asking for my help. He needs each of us in ways that seem to stretch us beyond what we think possible. At home, and at church. No time for sideline observation.

I am still tired. I do still long for quiet, calm, easy. But my state of mind may slowly evolve as I listen to the voice that tells me "Because I asked you to." I may just be able to find my small sliver of wanting after all.


  1. Beautifully put. That's going to my catch phrase this week - 'because I asked you to.' We'll survive...I hope.

  2. I don't like commenting on your blog but I have to say that I am a very lucky man to be married to you! I love you!!!!

  3. Sherri Dew resently said...
    "we no longer have the luxury of spending our time with things that don't bring us closer to the Lord."
    I've been thinking of that a lot lately as I am trying to find balance and prioroites in my life.

  4. Wow very well said (and how wonderful is Todd!!)

  5. Another quote for my collection- and from my very own relative! Thank you so much- you have donated quite a bit to my quote collection whether you know it or not :). I draw from them regularly to keep me going and focused on what's important! I luv ya!! Thank you (and Todd's comment is ultra awesome!!)!

  6. Great thoughts! Husbands should comment on blogs more often! :)

  7. this post gave me chills. thank you for reminding us all!
