Friday, January 15, 2010

Just My Vantage Point Has Changed

Scene: Junior High basketball game.
The only thing that's changed: where I sit.

We decided to venture out and take Addie and Kellie to the basketball game. We wanted to see Sam in action. I had no idea what a basketball manager actually does. From my viewpoint at the game, I discovered that she runs on and off the sidelines with a set of keys, she writes on a clipboard, she talks to the coach and she giggles with her friends. Sweet job.I was mesmerized by the crowd. Mostly by the students. Nothing has changed really, from when I was that age. The hair and clothes have almost come full circle in style (I definitely should have saved my stirrup pants). I watched them all interact with one another. I felt old. I also realized that the tether between Sam and I grows longer. Each time I take a step back and look at her, she's older. More independent. More on her own.

Only in Texas can you wear pink cowgirl boots and fit right in. Addie loves them.

She also loves popcorn. Is it obvious? I had sent her and Makell to the concession stand to buy a frozen pickle pop. I told Makell I would pay her to eat one. She returned disappointed because they were sold out. Seriously? You sold out of giant frozen pickles on a stick? Crazy.

The best part of the night was explaining the game of basketball to a 7 yr. old. Again, and again, and again. At the end of the night, she asked, "now, which color is our team?"


  1. Let me know about the giant pickle pop. Not something I came across in my time in the lonestar state!

  2. Sounds like a fun family outing!!

  3. Wow - Addie's feet must be really big to fit in Todd's pink boots.

  4. I LOVE this post!!! Sam is so pretty!and getting way to grown-up!

  5. First, The "Boog" comment is hilarious.
    Second, I want those boots. Seriously.
    Third, When I read your and Nancy's posts it hurts and I miss you soooo much.
    Fourth, and this is the REAL problem, I just want to come see you. But, then I would have to bring Bethany, and THEN Emily would freak and I can't afford 3 people. So, I keep suffering without your interaction. I think about it all the time and I just have too many people in my house who want to be with you. You probably think I am joking around, but I am serious.
