Tuesday, September 8, 2009

She Has Arrived

We've been busy celebrating today. Sam is now 13. I look at her and feel like she has entered a new dimension. Her age is no longer a primary, basic number. She now has a 'teen' attached to her.
I let her feel all teen-ed out. Skipped school, spent the day at the mall, spent frivolous money. It came so easily for her. She relished the independence. I, in turn, watched with my 'mother eyes' and felt the joy at her growing, but at the same time wanted to slow it all down.

Dinner with the family. Lots of food and lots of love.

This is Sam just 2 years ago. In written word that seems like such a long time. Yet, I look at her here and it feels like I can't quite grasp all the time that has gone by from then until now. Her hair is shorter, her cheeks a little chubbier and there is the slightest sliver of little girl left in her.

This is Sam today. The girl that is now a teen. The girl that reminds me so much of myself. My child that made me a mother. The girl that is my gift.
I love you more. Every. Day.

Happy 13th my Samantha.


  1. Congrats. I have that day in 4 months and I don't know if I can take it as well as you did. And love the pencil or makeup case. So cute.

  2. Wow!! I can hardly believe the photo was only 2 years ago- it doesn't SOUND that long ago either! What a beautiful young woman she is :)! Tell her happy bday from us :) They really do grow up too fast!

  3. Happy Birthday Sam. I have a package for you from Madi that I'm mailing today. Sorry it's late.
    Love you!

  4. Oh she is beautiful. I can not believe she is 13. I have her frozen in time when we left Utah and she was going into second grade!

  5. That's a pretty big purse for a 13 year old. I'm worried it's too heavey for her.
    Happy Happy Birthday Sam!

  6. Sam,
    I miss you so much already. Come visit us soon again. Can't believe you got to skip school for your b-day. Help me convince my mom to do that my next b-day. (P.S. I get to go to the temple tonight! So excited!)

    Sam finally got that zebra phone covering that she wanted! :) You are such a good mom. I would LOVE to be able to skip school like Sam did. Keep up the good work.

    -Madi <3

  7. I remember when Sam and Kelsey were little (remember how truly tiny they were?) three year olds in nursery together! Sigh...time flies...and she's a beauty!
