Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sister's Day

Years ago we created our own holiday and picked the date to celebrate it. Every August 1st, we celebrate sisters. We spend the day together, without friends. I'm hoping that when these 3 reach adulthood, they will realize just how fortunate they are to have one another.

This year the girls decided to have lunch at Sweet Tomatoes and then paint pottery. We even threw in a wee bit of school shopping at the mall.

Sisters are something to be cherished. So we just created a day that makes us pause to savor that fact. But now that I think about it, cupcakes are something to cherish as well. Maybe I need to create a holiday for that too. Oh wait, I already have. Every other Wednesday.


  1. What an awesome idea! We discovered that Kids' Day is August 6th, so we're cooking up fun plans for Thursday. Maybe we should rename it Sibling Day--inspired, of course, by your Sisters' Day.
