Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Heart

Two years ago today.
At 9:45 AM.

My heart stopped.

It started again.
This time with a different beat.

Never the same.


  1. The picture made me cry. We love you all and are thinking of you today! And we miss Evan!

  2. Candy is soooo right!!!

    Time goes by way too fast!

    We love you and your family and our thoughts are with y'all. We will ALWAYS remember and love Evan.

  3. Your dad's spirit is still beating strong carrying on the work Heavenly Father needs him to do. You know he has so many people laughing and chuckling, singing the sweetest hims and reaching out to the most desolate of spirits. I don't think I ever told you but I met your dad when I first joined the church and he was in the stake missionary presidency. We had a meeting at your parents house and he was so wonderful, such a gentle kind leader. Miss you and the crazy girls!-shasta

  4. Tears. What a heart-wrenching photo. I'm sad for you today.

  5. Sad! Thinking of you today.

  6. I love you and your strong spirit. This picture is so beautiful.

  7. I am so sorry for your loss. Aaron was so glad to see him the weekend before he passed away. A treasured time for him for sure.

  8. I've thought alot about you and yours today.

    Much love,

  9. We have been thinking of you all week. Bethany and I have said, "tomorrow Lisa's dad died"
    "today Lisa's dad died"

    I hate it. I am so sorry.

    The picture of your hands is just beautiful.

    I just wish we could Hie to Kolob. Me and you and see our Dad's. We could promise to come back.....

    Love you.
