Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Death Would Feel Better

The stomach flu has swept through here with a vengeance. We've been near tears for many days. Todd and I were the last to get sick. Simultaneously. It has not been pretty. The word, 'wicked' comes to mind. Even my sister and her babies have shared in the nastiness. I do not say this lightly, but death would be a welcome relief. I'm not kidding.

I think all of our suffering is a punishment somehow. This was the last week of school, my last few moments when it would be quiet around here. I started praying for school to continue through the summer. I even put on my red shoes and clicked my heels three times while repeating, "there's no place like school, there's no place like school". And look what happened. We all got sick and everyone had to stay home and throw up together. Feel the love.

As I reflect back, I think my problem was the shoes. They were red, but no glitter. No sparkle when I clicked my heels. Note to self--when wishing for magic, glitter has to be involved. I've learned my lesson. I promise.


  1. hope everyone is feeling better!!!

  2. I want a picture of you and Todd lying on the floor next to your barf bowls! Total Bummer for you guys! Hope all are well soon.

  3. that sucks, hope it ends SOON!

  4. Such sadness. Glad you documented and love the barf bowl pics. Everybody better?
    How excited are you today?? Last day of school. Let the countdown to August 24 begin...

  5. Sam looks pretty excited that you are taking a picture of her while she's sick.

  6. I am so sorry. But how is my sweet heart baby? Did she come visit TCH?
