Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Celebrate The Sparkle

She's 10. My girl who sparkles in all that she does, whether I want her to or not. I never thought she or I would make it to 6, let alone 10. But, here we are together. Celebrating the joy she brings into my life. A perfect day.

I win the 'cutest mom' award for having her 4 yr. old picture turned into a puzzle.
Kellie's party was at IT'Z--lunch, games, roller coaster ride, more games, more rides. I'm dizzy. She's in her element.

Her friends all joined forces to buy her a Ripstick. She could hardly breathe from the excitement.

A momentous day all around. Keagan and Riley had their first french fry!! Tomorrow I'm going to try and slip them an Oreo.

Makell has a slight obsession with gum and Funyuns. Today she was rewarded.

Happy Birthday Kellie.
May your sparkle always show me the way.


  1. Funyuns and Bacon--you've got some interesting obsessions going on at your house! The gum obsession, I totally get.

  2. Happy Birthday Girl!! We hope it was the best yet!

  3. Happy Birthday Makell!!! Looks like you had a great day!

  4. I want of video clip of the serious tricks she can do on that rip-stick!! ER...Here she comes!
    What a great day. Happy birthday Makell! Can't wait to see you!
